Prior to download of images, please read rules of copyright below
Please note that all images on this site are copyright protected and are Mater’s property only. Prior to download of the high-resolution images, we will request that you in published and digital use provide minimal information about the image such as courtesy of Mater - and we would prefer a brief explanation about your planned use of the images that you download. In this respect you are not entitled to make use of, copy, print etc. any pictures without a final acceptance from Mater's headquarters in Denmark.
Are you already an authorised Mater Partner, you are without further notice entitled to download the pictures, as long as it is for various advertisements and POS use only. However, please note that you have to use Mater's logo and approval of final design.
If you have any questions to the above-mentioned or you need Mater’s acceptance in general, please contact Malou Kayser, Brand & Design Executive (email: design@materdesign.com)