A close collaboration with Mogensen's grandchildren
The final stage of developing Mater’s innovative
new material involved a close collaboration with
two of Mogensen’s grandchildren, Emilie Ventujol
Mogensen and Sarah Alexandra Moutouh. The
visual campaign also bears the unique Mogensen
touch, as Emilie and her brother Rasmus Mogensen are the creative director and photographer, respectively.
Emilie and
Sarah Alexandra are both designers. Together with
the other four grandchildren, they are now more
involved in their grandfather’s design legacy. They
approach this task with the utmost humility, stating: “It’s not just our family’s heritage, but
“Our family shares the understanding that just
because you can produce some of Børge’s designs,
it does not mean that you have to. It needs to make
sense in ways that cannot necessarily be measured.
It must be driven by visionaries who do not accept
the world’s status quo. This is how we perceive
They are on an important mission working with
circular production. The future calls for companies
that take that responsibility and manage to make it
into a solid and lucrative business. We would like to
support that with our family’s name
and values,” Emilie explains.
"Børge was a very visionary man and he would have loved Mater's version of the chair. He
never accepted the status quo. He had by no means a followers mindset; he wanted to change
the world. Mater is the same, trying to innovate the furniture industry, and we firmly believe they will succeed."
- Emilie Mogensen